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The answerto that would be Helium.

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Q: What elemnt has 2 Electrons Neutral Atoms?
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How many electrons are in a neutral atom with 12 protons?

Atoms that are neutrally charged will have the same number of protons as electrons, because one proton will cancel out one electron. To achieve a net charge of 0, 12 protons must be countered with 12 electrons.

Are most atoms neutral?

The atomic nucleus is not neutral, it is positively charged (the exact charge depends upon the element in question; the hydrogen nucleus is +1, the helium nucleus is +2, etc). The atom as a whole is electrically neutral, unless it becomes ionized.

How many valence electrons do stable atoms have?

A stable atom has 8 electrons in its outer most valence shell. A simple way to remember this is that all atoms want to be like the noble gases which all have 8 electrons (except helium but the reason is complicated and not necessary here)

What is the charge of an atom that has lost an electron?

This atom become a cation with a +2 electrical charge. All atoms have are neutral because the numbers of protons and electrons are equal. When you subtract any number n of electrons, the new charge is +n, just as a general rule.

What are the three basic particles of an atom?

First Answer: The three basic particles of an atom are protons, neutrons and electrons. The proton and neutron comprises of the nucleus of an atom but electrons revolve around the nucleus continuously. The protons are positively charged and electrons are negatively charged while the neutrons are neutral. Thus we can say the whole atom is neutral. Second Answer: 1) Proton (Positive) 2) Neutron (Neutral) 3) Electron (Negative)

Related questions

How many electrons are there in a calcium Ca2ion?

18. Calcium has atomic number of 20 so the 2+ ion has two less electrons than the neutral elemnt.

Cations are formed by?

cations are positively charged ions formed by loss of electrons from the neutral atoms having 1,2,3 electrons in the outermost orbit

How does the number of separate electrons shown for the group 2 metal atoms compare to the number of atoms?

The number of electrons in a neutral atom is equal to the atomic number.

How many electrons does aneutral atom with 2 protons and 3 neutrons have?

2: A neutral atoms must have the same numbers of protons and electrons.

How many p electrons are in the outer shell of all neutral atoms in group 14 of the periodic table?


Why does helium atom have no electrical charge?

Helium has 2 protons and 2 electrons. So the charge is neutralized. Besides, all atoms have neutral charge as the number of protons and electrons will be the same

How many atoms does a bromine atom have?

Bromine has 35 electrons in its neutral state, and, as it is a halogen, 36 in its most stable ion. So it would have 4 shells, with 2, 8, 18, and 7 electrons in the neutral state, or 2, 8 ,18 and 8 electrons in its stable ion.

Why are atoms said to be electricly neutral?

Atoms are built form 3 types of particles Electrons (which are electrically negative) Neutrons (which are electrically neutral) Protons (which are electrically positive) Nature likes things to be balanced so when atoms are put together, nature makes sure that the number of Electron the atom has is matched by the number of Protons. This makes all atoms electrically neutral. However, when atoms react with each other chemically, they can share or swap electrons with each other which means that they are no longer electrically neutral (in this state they are called "ions"). Nature therefore requires that the stuff they have made (called a compound) when joining together is, overall electrically neutral and bonds them together so that this is achieved. This is why chemical compounds exist and are stable.

Does carbon have seven electrons?

No, it has six electrons because its atomic number is 6. Atoms are neutral, so it would need six electrons to counteract with the charge of the six protons. 2 core electrons and 4 valence electrons.

What is the charge of Cr in Cr2O72?

Since oxygen atoms can only accept two electrons, the balance of charges for the overall neutral molecule suggests that the two chromium atoms must each have donated half of the electrons to the oxygen atoms. Therefore, the total number of electrons required for all three oxygen atoms to reach a noble gas configuration is 3 atoms*2 electrons/atom=6 electrons Dividing this up between the two chromium atoms: 6 electrons/2 atoms=3 electrons/atom Therefore, each chromium atom bears a positive charge (since it donated electrons) of 3+.

How many electrons must a neutral atom of helium posses?

helium has two electrons and has a charge of -2 for these electrons. However there are 2 protons in the nucleus and helium element as a whole is neutral.

What is the symbol and charge for calcium?

The symbol for calcium is Ca. Calcium atoms are neutral because they have 20 protons and 20 electrons. However when calcium atoms lose their 2 outershell electrons, it becomes a positively charged ion-Ca2+.