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The chromosomes attach to a spindle fiber across the equator of the cell.

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14y ago

The metaphase of mitosis begins as the chromosomes are aligned near the center of the cell to be separated.

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Q: What event occurs during metaphase?
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Which event occurs during metaphase?

chromosomes migrate to equator of the spindle apparatus

During the formation of gametes independent assortment occurs where?

During Metaphase I and II

During which stage of meiosis are the bivalents arranged along the equator?

During the metaphase I meiosis are the bivalents are arranged along the equator. During the prophase I of meiosis I the crossing over occurs.

What is chromosomes line up in mitosis to known phase?

In Mitosis and Meiosis, this event is called Metaphase.

In which phase do chromosomes align on the spindle equator?

Chromosomes align on the spindle equator during the metaphase. During the metaphase the chromosomes meet on an imaginary line between the two poles.

During what phase do the chromosomes move to the center of the cell aligned on the spindle apparatus?

This happens during metaphase. I remember this phase because it is the move phaseof mitosis. The m from move matches the m from metaphase.In mitosis, it happens during metaphase.In meiosis, it happens twice and occurs in metaphase 1 and metaphase 2.

When does metaphase occur?

Metaphase occurs during meiosis and mitosis. These processes are how most cells reproduce to make two new cells. Some use binary fission.

Which phase of meiosis occurs right after crossing over?

Before crossing over, interphase I takes place. Crossing over occurs during prophase I. Metaphase I occurs after prophase I.

Phase of mitosis and meiosis occurs when chromosomes line up in the center of the cell?

During mitosis, cells line up at the center (also referred to as the equatorial plate) at metaphase. In meosis however, which is a reductional division, the process occurs twice and the cells line up at the centre at metaphase-1 and metaphase-2

Which event occurs during phosphate?

Phosphate is not a period of time during which an event can occur.

Does alignment of tetrads at metaphase plate occur in mitosis?

No, it occurs in Meiosis II, Metaphase

Homologous chromosomes pair and undergo crossing over during?

Paired homologous chromosomes are found at the spindle equator during metaphase. During metaphase the chromosomes line up on the plate and attach to the fully formed spindle.