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an apple. is this a joke? I'm a kid, and I know that.

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Q: What everyday object is said to have helped Isaac Newton in his discovery of gravity?
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What object helped Isaac Newton discover gravity?

an apple

What impact Sir Isaac Newton have?

Sir Isaac Newton has cleared a path of discovery for not only other scientists but the future of this world. Discovering Gravity showed Rocket inventors what they needed to know, and discovering Motion helped every other inventor to build their models. Is anyone reading this doing a Sir Isaac Newton Project in LAC?

How did Isaac Newton find out about force?

He was curious and driven. He observed things very carefully. He had a brilliant mind and a brilliant grasp of mathematics. He figured out which questions were the important ones. Put all that together, and you get discovery.

How did Isaac Newton contribute to the electromagnetic spectrum?

he helped people understand about gravity and force

What role did the renaissance play in the development of science?

they helped figure out tha newton law of gravity

What was the big coincidence between Isaac Newton and Galileo?

Issac Newton was a guy who made gravity and helped Galileo make gravity when he made the telescope I know you are a kid so tell me I have a nerd friend right next to me.

How did Isacc newton help the world?

Isaac Newton helped the world when he made three laws known. They are Newton's first, second and third law of motion. He also introduced the force of gravity to the world.

How did Isaac Newton's knowledge change math as we know it today?

Because he helped us to relize the real meaning of gravity!

How did newton discover that the world is held together?

Newton discovered how the world was held together when the memorable event of the apple falling on his head helped him discover the force of gravity. He then concluded that gravity pulls together all the particles of Earth, therefore holding it together.

What work of sir isaac newton helped others to understand and overcome the obstacles of moden space travel?

He Said There was a thing called gravity

What are the three laws Isaac newton invented?

All I know is this:An object in motion stays in motion, and an object at rest stays at rest.Hope I helped!

Who helped Isacc newton?

Have you ever saw a picture/animation of an apple falling on a man wearing old fashioned clothing? Well, that's Newton and that's what led him to discovery. We he observed the fall of an apple, he questioned the effect of gravity and asked questions such as: why did it fall? why did it fall straight down and not sideways? This observation, his immense intellectuality, and his curiosity led to his formulations of the three laws of motion.