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gravity pulls the earth into position so it doesn't move away and gravity is what holds us down onto the earth as well.

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Q: What force keeps the earth in its orbit and stops it from flying off into space?
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What keeps earth in its orbit?

The sun's gravitational pull keeps the earth in orbit around it.

Explain what keeps the moon orbiting Earth?

Because the moon moves with a certain speed in its orbit, that orbital motion produces a centrifugal force which opposes the attraction of gravity. The balance between gravity and centrifugal force keeps the moon in orbit. The moon continues to orbit at the speed it does, because of its inertia. Moving in the vacuum of space, the moon does not encounter resistance to its motion. There is, however, some energy lost as a result of tidal forces, and that will, over a very long period of time, eventually alter the moon's orbit.

The force of gravity opposes what other force?

The force of gravity opposes acceleration away from the source of the gravity. This is expressed as "centrifugal force" or the perpendicular component of a tangential velocity. The balance between these keeps the planets in orbit around the Sun.

After a shuttle is launched into orbit what happens to gravity?

There is no gravity in space but the shuttle stays in orbit because of the Earths gravity and inertia. The inertia keeps it going in a circular motion. In space the Earth's gravity is strong enough to hold something in orbit but not strong enough to pull it to Earth's surface.

What is the force called that keeps an object moving in a circle?

The force that keeps an object moving in a circle or an arc is called a centripetal force. Gravity is an example of centripetal force that keeps a satellite in a circular orbit around a planet. Another example is when you ride on a merry-go-round - the rotating play structure imparts a centripetal force upon you, forcing you to also travel in a circle.

Related questions

What force keeps the Earth in its orbit and stops it flying off into space?

The force that keeps the Earth in its orbit and prevents it from flying off into space is gravity. Gravity is generated by the mass of the Earth and pulls objects toward its center, creating the centripetal force that maintains the Earth's orbit around the Sun.

What prevents the moon from flying out of orbit?

The gravitational pull between the moon and Earth keeps the moon in orbit. This force prevents the moon from flying out into space or falling into Earth. The balance between the moon's inertia and gravity holds it in a stable orbit.

What force keeps earth in orbit?

The gravitational force.

What force keeps the earth in its orbit?

its called gravity

What fundemental force keeps the earth in the sun?

You mean 'keeps in the orbit of the sun? Gravitational force of attraction keeps the earth going around the sun.

What is the largest force that keeps the earth circling the sun?

The largest force that keeps the Earth circling the sun is gravity. Gravity is the force of attraction between the Earth and the sun that keeps the Earth in its orbit.

The gravitational force from what star keeps the earth in orbit?

The Sun.

What is the force that keeps the earth in its orbit around the sun?


What is the force which keeps the satellite in orbit round the earth?


Which of the following forces exerted by the earth on the moon keeps the moon in orbit?

The force that keeps the moon in orbit around the Earth is gravity. Specifically, the gravitational pull between the Earth and the moon is what keeps the moon in its elliptical orbit.

What force orbits around the earth?

No force orbits around the Earth. Forces do not orbit. The force that keeps material objects in orbit around the Earth is the mutual force of gravity between the Earth and the object.

Identify one force that keeps earth in orbit around the sun?

The force of gravity, specifically the gravitational pull between the Earth and the Sun, keeps the Earth in orbit around the Sun. This gravitational force creates a balance between the Earth's motion and the pull of the Sun, causing the Earth to continuously orbit around the Sun in a stable path.