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Q: What fossils form from impressions made in soft mud?
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Does fossils form from soft parts or hard parts?

These are called "replacement fossils" also "petrification"

Fossils can only form when?

Fossils can only form when the conditions are right. These conditions are in a sedimentary layer of the earth which are able to preserve soft and hard parts of the item.

Which parts of the dinosaur are found in rocks?

All dinosaur fossils of dinosaurs come from rocks. Most are bones, but some have been footprints, feces, skin impressions, or even mummified individuals, complete with fossilized soft tissue.

Why do we only have fossils of a fraction of things that have exists on earth?

Because living things made up of soft tissues did not leave fossils and these accounted for most of the life forms on earth.

Why are fossils not found in chalk?

Chalk is a fossil itself and chalk is soft, and so while you might form a fossil; in it, it would not remain. Within chalk there is often harder rock - which sometimes does contain fossils.

Fossils of fungi are rare due to fungis?

Their composition of soft materials.

Why do we only have fossils of a fraction of the thing have existed on earth?

Because for much of the earth's early history, living things were made up of soft tissue only.

What is a comparative form for soft?

Comparative form for "soft" is "more soft"!!

What is a Drawing medium which is made from a soft form of carbon and was discovered in 1564?


Why do fossils only show the bones and teeth of the dead animal?

Because soft tissues, organs, skin and muscle doesn't turn into fossils.

Why is it difficult to study the origin of birds based on fossils?

because the fossilization process rarely preserves soft tissues and the fossils that do are very rare.

Why are fossils formed in sedmentary rocks?

Because sedimentary rocks are soft rocks