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Charge, in the form of electrons, flow through a circuit. This is called electric current. 1 amp = 1 coulomb of charge per second flowing past a point in the circuit.

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An athlete or a vehicle in a race.

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Q: What goes around a circuit?
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What does a current do in a circuit?

goes around the circuit carrying electricity all around the circuit

What is a mouse circuit?

a mouse circuit is a circuit that goes around, like a treadmill. as the mouse on the treadmill runs, the treadmill turns and moves the belt.

What type of circuit has a complete path that allows electricity to flow through it?

Electricity travels through a circut. A circut id domething that goes around, completeing a loop. Think of NASCAR. The cars are going around and around, doing laps around the track, which is a circut.

In a series circuit if 1 bulb goes out the circuit is considered open or closed?

In a series circuit, if one bulb goes out, the circuit is considered open because the current flow is interrupted and cannot continue through the circuit.

Why is an electrical circuit made of materials that are conductor?

"Electrical circuit". "Electrical" meaning "electricity". "Circuit" meaning "around from the start back to the starting place". If any of the materials in that circuit path are not conductors, there is no circuit. The electricity only goes that far and stops. So all materials in the circuit must be able to conduct electricity.

What happens to the energy as it goes around a series circuit?

What do you mean by energy? amps? Volts?, Either way if you have a series circuit with 3 loads in the circuit all voltage will be dropped proportionally to the loads resistance, if that makes any sense.

What is the function of the switch in circuit?

A switch simply opens a circuit, stopping the flow of electricity. For example: a simple circuit would be two wires from a battery, one of which goes to a switch, and the other goes to a light bulb. A third wire goes from the other side of the switch to the other conductor of the light bulb. With the switch closed the circuit is complete and the light goes on. Open the switch and the circuit is broken and the light goes off.

What is it called when one light goes out and they all go out?

It is called a series circuit. In a series circuit, if one light bulb goes out, it breaks the circuit and causes all the lights to go out.

How does a battery operated toy work?

the batters sends electrons with energy to power its function, it goes around the circuit created to operate the product.

A light bulb in a simple circuit blows and goes out Is current now flowing in the circuit?

No. Circuit is open but still HOT.

Tiny particle that flows around a circuit?

The electron flows around a circuit.

What is the function of switch in the circuit?

A switch simply opens a circuit, stopping the flow of electricity. For example: a simple circuit would be two wires from a battery, one of which goes to a switch, and the other goes to a light bulb. A third wire goes from the other side of the switch to the other conductor of the light bulb. With the switch closed the circuit is complete and the light goes on. Open the switch and the circuit is broken and the light goes off.