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Draw a list of pictures about what you had to do kind of like instructions and there is you chart

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data graph

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Q: What graph should you use to represent a lava lamp science experiment?
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What type of graph do you use when you are doing a science project?

It depends on the experiment. You could use any graph that would best represent the data that you have gathered from your experiment. bar graphs, line plots, and line graphs are just a few examples.

What are 3 ways you can show data after you observe science experiment?

You write a journal of the data and observations and get it published by a science magazine or the web.

Why do scientist use table and graph in presenting their data or experiment?

While doing the experiment we can assume many different outcomes. Like for example when you play baseball what is the guarantee that the ball wont swing to the left or the right or its trajectory wont change.Thus scientists tabulate their findings. They then graphically represent them. The graphical representation is used to derive the conclusion for the experiment. Like for example when you are trying to derive Ohm's law you first tabulate the data and then plot a graph for the data you found out. The graph can represent:-A straight line confirming that the current is directly proportional to the potential difference across the conductor.A parabola, then the current is not directly proportional. It depends as a square of the other.Thus with these examples we see the importance of tabulation and graph plotting. Now graph plotting is very useful for computer models.

Why might it be important to repeat an experiment?

To make sure your results are Valid/reliable. You should always repeat your experiments and if using times or amounts and in the future going to make a graph its best to do the experiment 3 times and calculate the average on place the average result on to your graph.

What sHow is is the overall trend of all the data taken in an experiment?


Related questions

What type of graph do you use when you are doing a science project?

It depends on the experiment. You could use any graph that would best represent the data that you have gathered from your experiment. bar graphs, line plots, and line graphs are just a few examples.

What is experiment in science?

It is a graph, chart, or pictures in a science project to prove that you did the project.

Do The points plotted on a graph represent actual data recorded by an experiment.?

Yes, it shows the data in a different way

How do you put together data in a science experiment?

Data should be presented in numbered and labelled tables and graphs. Make sure you include units in the column headings of the tables and on the axes of the graph.

What is the difference between a constant in a graph and a constant in a experiment?

the difference between a constant in a graph and a constant in a experiment is that when on a graph, the constant is the thing that changes, and in a experiment it is the part that stays the same.

What are 3 ways you can show data after you observe science experiment?

You write a journal of the data and observations and get it published by a science magazine or the web.

What does a point represent on a graph?

A point can represent a piece of data or an (x,y) value.

What is the best graph to represent fractions?

the best graph to use to represent fractions is a pie graph, that is if all the fractions denominators are the same...

How can tables and graph represent relations?

Tables and graph represent relations by showing the distribution of occurrence.

What would a graph about masses and volumes represent?

A graph about masses and volumes would represent density.

How can you make a graph with this experiment?

To make a graph with an experiment, it would be wise to make a short graph at first. Make a rough draft using basic numbers, and draw the graph after the information is gathered.

When is it the best time to use a bar graph?

I use a bar graph to represent my favorite pies, and a pie graph to represent my favorite bars.