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Period 4

Group 8

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Q: What group and period does iron belong to?
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What group does iron belong in the periodic table?

Iron belongs to Group 8 and period 4 in the periodic table. It is a transition metal with the chemical symbol Fe and atomic number 26.

What family does hassium belong too?

Hassium is placed in the period 7 and group 8 (iron group) of the periodic table of Mendeleev.It is a member of the transactinoids family.

In what group and period cerium belong?

It is a lanthanide in period 6.

What is irons period?

Iron (Fe) is Group 8, Period 4

Do the elements ba and ca belong to the same period or the same group on the periodic table?

The elements Ba (Barium) and Ca (Calcium) belong to the same group on the periodic table, as they both belong to Group 2 (alkaline earth metals). They do not belong to the same period, as Barium is in period 6 and Calcium is in period 4.

What is the address period of iron?

Iron is in the d block. It is in the 4th period. The group of it is 8.

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The element in the same group as lithium (Group 1) and the same period as iron (Period 4) is potassium.

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What periodic group is iron in?

Iron is in Group 8 (VIII) of the periodic table, which is also known as the Iron Group or the Transition Metals Group. Iron is specifically located in Period 4.

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What group number do platinum belong to?

Platinum is in Group 10, , and Period 6.

What is the element in group four period four?

the answer is iron