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I am just a student, so I do not know, but I have a guess. Either nothing would happen, or all the methane would choke people to death. I do not know for sure. Those are just my guess. Why would you even want to know this?

I'm only in 8th grade so i have no idea but i think we would all die. Who even asks a ? like this anyway? was it a dare? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you farted constantly for 3 years and 9 months, enough energy is created to make an atomic bomb. I don't know how equal that is to 7 billion people, but.... Who asks these ridiculous questions anyway?!?!

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12y ago
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Daniel Bighart

Lvl 1
1y ago
I would ask this
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14y ago

nothing if it wasnt lit haha be more specific and then maybe illn answer ur question or you can watch 1000 ways to die and then u can find out tht way or or or y dont u try it yourself and have someone stand behind the lighter hahahahhahahaa no dont do tht tht person would die im serious, basiclyu i just told u the answer to ur question.

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12y ago

Im gonna be honest.. They'll suffocate and die. I did it to my pet goldfish once. His name was marlin. I just farted into his mouth and he died :( So never do it. If you have the urge to fart into something then do it in a jar. But dont let your boyfriend/girlfriend open the jar. That's if you have a boyfriend/girlfriend. Im not sure you do though if you want to fart in someones mouth, because thats not the most attractive thing.

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13y ago

As it says on the show on cbbc if you don't fart in a year you will die because the wind is trapped inside your belly and it will have to escape somewhere.

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13y ago

haha:D if tht was me a would see a doctor theirs ur advice.

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12y ago

you would cough

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