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The gametes of a plant are found in the pollen grains (male) and the ovules (female). Pollen is normally transferred from the anthers of one plant to the stigma of another, either by animal agents or the wind. The pollen grows a tube down through the style and the gamete travels down to join with the female gamete. This is the actual fertilization. The fertilized ovule develops into the seed.

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Q: What happens during fertilization in plants?
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he become stupid The ovary of the plants flowers turn in to fruit after fertilization.

What happens during the fertilization process.?

an egg is released from the ovary's

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i dont think this question is appropriate for the answer

Why can plants vary from the plant parent?

Due to genetic recombination during gamete formation by meiosis and fusion of such gametes during fertilization.

What does the ovary do for plants?

The ovary or gynoecium is the female reproductive organ of plants. It holds the ovules. The ovules are fertilized by the pollen grains from androecium (male part) during fertilization. As a result of fertilization, the ovules develop into seeds and later fruits.

What happens to the egg and the sperm during fertilization?

The nuclei of the egg and sperm cells fuse to form the fertilized egg.

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flowering plants

How is fertilization of the egg accomplished?

Fertilization of an egg happens before it is laid.

What happens to the ovary wall after fertilization?

The ovary becomes fruit after fertilization.

How does fertilization in a seed plants differ from fertilization in seedless plants?

Seed plants produce seeds to overcome the adverse environmental conditions whereas seedless plants overcome the adverse environmental conditions by vegetative parts such as tubers, gemma cups or even spores. Since formation of seed involves genetic advance seed formation for reproduction is more successful in nature.