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it turns red

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Q: What happens if protein gets mixed with amylase?
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What happens when an amylase gets too hot?

when an amylase gets too hot the amylase begins to break down the amylase and the reaction slows down dramatically to where it cannot function properly anymore

What happens if you place protein at an extremely hot place?

It gets cooked.

What happens to the protein in the meat when it is cooked?

yes cause it gets filled up with grease

What happens if part of the egg yolk gets mixed in with the egg whites?

You have scrambled eggs.

What happens to a molecule off protein during digestion?

Nothing "happens to it" unless something happens to it. In other words, your question is missing the "when" part ("what happens to a molecule of protein WHEN ..."). Even then, it depends on the details; different proteins react in different ways.

What happens to protein food that has been cooked in the microwave for to long?

uh are you dumb IT GETS BURNED

What happens when alka-seltzer and iodine are mixed?

What happens is that the purple stuff gets into a deep ocean trench through radiation and a mom.

What happens to food as you chew?

It gets all mixed up with your syliva, and churns and starts the process of digestion.

What happens to egg white pepsin and hydrochloric acid after 6 hours?

The protein in the egg white gets digested.

What happens to the oxygen that is formed from the breakdown of water?

The O from H2O goes to form Oxygen as O2 which is a gas and gets mixed up in the air

Where does food get mixed with strong acids?

It gets mixed in the enzymes

Once the food in your mouth what does it get mixed with?

It gets mixed with saliva.