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Visible light

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Q: What has wavelengths between 380 and 750 nanometers?
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Waves that make up the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum have?

. . . wavelengths between roughly 380 and 750 nanometers.

What energy is visable to the eye?

electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths ranging from about 380 nanometers to about 750 nanometers (a.k.a. visible light)

Visible light contains various wave lengths what are the wavelengths in nanometers?

Between 380 nm (visible as violet) to 750 nm (visible as red).

Which part of the EM spectrum is visibleto humans?

The part with wavelengths between roughly 380 and 750 nanometers, and almost universally referred to, coincidentally, as "visible light".

Where on the electromagnetic spectrum is visible light?

Higher frequency than infrared, but lower than ultraviolet, in otherwords in the middle

What is the wavelength of visible spectrum?

roughly in the range of 380 - 750 nanometers

What wavelengths of raidiant energy are visible to humans?

380 to 750 nm

What wavelengths of light are absorbed for photosynthesis?

380-500 and 575-750

What is the visible wave length range?

Very roughly from 380 nanometers (red) to 750 nanometers (blue/violet). The 'limits' aren't the same for all eyes.

What wavelengths correspond to the color spectrum?

Roughly, the spectrum wavelengths are the speed of light divided by the frequency, c/f; 300M/400T=.75 micrometers for Red and 300M/800T=.375 micrometers for Violet..These wavelengths are expressed usually as 750 nanometers and 375 Nanometers.

What does the wavelength of visible light waves correspond to?

The wavelength of visible light corresponds to roughly 380 to 750 millionths of a millimeter.Any longer or shorter than that, and your eyes don't respond to the radiation.

Which portion of electromagnet spectrum can human eyes see?

The band of wavelengths roughly between 400 to 750 nanometers, often referred to as the band of "visible light" for that very reason.