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Q: What is P on the periodic table?
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What are the chemical properties of group p of the periodic table?

There is no group p on the periodic table.

What does the symbol P stand for on the periodic table?

P (not lower case p) in the periodic table stands for PHOSPHOROUS

What is the name for P?

P = Phosphorus Periodic Table[{}]^*<>•:;)($&@",?!'

What does the element p stand for on the periodic table?

P = Phosphorous

What does p mean in the periodic table?


What does p stand for on periodic table?


What is phosphorus's symbol on the periodic table?


What is the meaning of P on the periodic table?


What does p stand for on table of elements?

in science p stands for phosphours in the periodic table

What is the letter p on the periodic table?

Phosphorus, abbreviated P, has an atomic number 15.

What does the P sands for in the periodic table?

P is the symbol for the element phosphorus

What does p men on a periodic table?

P stands for the element phosphorus. It is in the p block.