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βˆ™ 15y ago


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Q: What is a 5 letter word of something that helps us understand something that we cannot see directly?
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Why did Zero not understand the joke in Stanley’s letter?

How do you end a prefect letter?

Say something like "I understand how big a responsibility this is, and will be fully commited." and then "Yours sincerely, _______", because you know the person's name.

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The letter that directly precedes the letter "N" in the English alphabet is the letter "M". The letter "M" is the 13th letter of the alphabet, while "N" is the 14th letter. Directly following the letter "N" is the vowel "O". The letter "O" is also a vowel, and is the 15th letter of the alphabet. It is the 4th vowel in the alphabet.

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A 7 letter word for an unproven belief is an opinion. An opinion is something that you think and believe but either cannot or have not factually proven.

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Make sure you have the property address in the letter and keep it formal. Understand that the letter is going to be received negatively so be compassionate and stress that it is something that has taken careful consideration. Ask for the tenant to acknowledge the letter and make sure you sign it.

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Why does Poseidon write in his letter to Percy Jackson Brace yourself?

If you read the next books in the series you will discover that there is lots of trouble on the horizon. There is the battle of the labyrinth (maybe i cant remember if it was this book the letter was sent in ;)) also their is the Titan war. Poseidon cannot directly interfere with his sons affairs so he has to do it in subtle ways. This letter is telling Percy something bad is coming without telling him the problem or the solution. It is indirect so Poseidon is allowed to do it. Hope it helped :)

What is a 10 letter word that starts with an you?


What is 225k in kg?

The letter k in this case has no referent but usually means thousands of something. That something would be made apparent by the rest of the conversation or statement.The question cannot be answered. The accepted abbreviation for kilograms is kg.

What is the symbols of inversely proportional and directly proportional?

The greek letter "alpha" (α) for both. If x is directly proportional to y, you could say x α y. For inversely proportional, you would say something like x α 1/y, or x α y^-1, as in, directly proportional to the inverse.

Which 10 letter word has its fourth letter as e and seventh letter as t and ends with d?
