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I belive that is a biome, correct me if it is wrong.

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Q: What is a Community of organisms living together along with the nonliving parts of the environment?
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What are the living parts of the environment called?

The living part is biotic and the non-living part is called abiotic.

Relationship between living things and their environment?

Ecology is the relationship between living things and their environments. Plants need the soil, sunlight, and water to grow to be able to feed animals. Other, often larger animals eat the animals that feed on the plants. Scavengers and decomposers come along and eat the carcasses of animals, depositing feces into the soil that begins the cycle again.

Is the jellyfish a colony of single celled organisms?

No, theyre many celled. They are classified as animals.

True of False As a result of hundreds of thousands of years of natural selection modern humans are now perfectly adapted to their environment?

False. Organisms are never ' perfectly adapted to the environment, as evolution is blind and can not predict the future, or create anew. All is ' tinkered ' together in the organism on top of adaptions that were from past environments. Natural selection adapts as best it can to the immediate environment and carries vestigial traits and poor engineering solutions on to future generations. ( appendix and the hole in the retina for two examples of this ) While man can shape his environment only a benighted social scientists could think we, as living organisms. are beyond natural selection and evolution, or that we have been perfectly adapted to the present environment.

These organisms work together to recycle materials through an ecosystem?

The organisms that work together to recycle materials through an ecosystems are the producers, consumers, and decomposers. When producers and consumers die, decomposers recycle the dead material.

Related questions

What collects all organisms that live in a particular place together with their nonliving environment?

The ecosystem is a collection of all the organisms that live in a particular place, together with their nonliving environment. Something like mineral soil would be an example of a nonliving component.

What is a community of organisms interacting with abiotic environmental factors called?

A community of organisms and their abiotic environment is called an ecosystem. An ecosystem includes many different types of species that work together with nonliving materials.

What is all the populations of organisms living together in an environment?


What does Ecosystem meaning?

is a community of living organisms in conjunction with the nonliving components of their environment (things like air, water and mineral soil), interacting as a system

A community and it's physical environment together?

a community and its pysical environment together

What is the definition of an ecosystem in science terms?

A community of organisms together with their physical environment, viewed as a system of interacting and interdependent relationships and including such processes as the flow of energy through trophic levels and the cycling of chemical elements and compounds through living and nonliving components of the system. hope this helps

What are the many species that live together in a habitat are called?

A large range of organisms living in a specific area is called a community. To go one step larger, an ecosystem includes all living things as well as the physical environment including rocks, water, and other nonliving things.

What is the number of different organisms in an ecosystem called?

A population is a group of one species living in an environment. A community is a collection of these populations, and an ecosystem is the interactions of this community and the environment (biotic and abiotic factors).

What are several populations of organisms living together?

It is a community.

Which would be considered an ecosystem?

An ecosystem is a system comprised of living organisms and nonliving material working together through nutrient cycles and energy flows. The basic requirements of an ecosystem include a source of energy, the ability to store energy in chemical bonds, and a means by which to recycle essential substances between organisms and the environment.

What is A group of potentially interbreeding organisms that may or may not live in the same area is referred to as?

A group of organisms of different species living together in a particular place is called a community. An ecosystem is a community that interacts with the abiotic factors of their environment.

What is the difference between a population and a community?

a population is how many things are in one area and a community is were people live and there environment