It can be. A base hit is just when you hit the ball, and get on base without getting out.
Baserunner is out. Can't leave base til ball is hit.
A sacrifice, which is not a hit. To "hit" for the cycle, you must get four HITS: single, double, triple, and home run.
The secret to getting on base is to hit the ball where no fielder can easily get to it. How hard you hit the ball is no guarantee of a base hit. Think about the Bunt, or the 'Blooper' hit just over the head of the 2nd baseman.
What the name of the hit that gets the batter to first base safely
A two-base hit in baseball is officially named a double.
Pete Rose
a base hit is when u hit and get on base without: error (unless u would have been there despite the error) Fielders Choice (unless u would have been safe despite the FC) Interference
Yes. He must tag the base.
It is how many base hits the player has hit.
There is an assist only when there is an out. If you have a base hit and no runner is thrown out or tagged out there is no assist.