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Of the various states of matter (solid, liquid, and gas being the most common here on Earth; if we include stars, plasma is the most common state, and then there are exotic states such as degenerate matter in neutron stars) gas is the most compressible. In a gas, the particles are relatively far apart, they are not connected to each other or in contact with each other in any way, and they can all move freely, so that when you compress a gas, the constituent particles (atoms or molecules) can be easily squeezed into a smaller space, without breaking any chemical bonds.

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Q: What is a highly compressible state of matter?
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What is the state of matter that expands the least when heated?

The least compressible state of matter is a solid. But even solids may be compressed slightly.A Neutron Star consists of matter so compressed that it is now composed only of neutrons.And of course, in a Black Hole, things are more compressed again.But both neutron Star and Black Hole are degenerate matter - they are no longer considered ordinary matter.

Are gases the only form of matter that is compressible?

No. All forms of matter are compressible if you use sufficient pressure. Gases are the most easily compressible, but liquids are also compressible if you use high enough pressures. So are solids, believe it or not.

In which state or states is matter compressable?

You can compress matter in any state because matter is mostly empty space. However, because it takes so much pressure to compress liquids and solids, they are said to be incompressible. ................. The gaseous state of matter is readily compressible.

What is the physical state of matter of incompressible?

Solids. They are most resistant to outer forces; but strictly speaking all materials are compressible.

Why tyre inflates when pumped?

Because air is highly-compressible.

In order for a material to be compressible there must be space between the particles which states of matter will be in compressible?

Solid and liquid states are not compressible.Solids.Solids

Why are the gases highly compressible while solids are almost incompressible?

gases are highly compressible as there molecules have lots of spaces between them while in molecules of solids there is not much space and they are tightly packed .

Which state of matter has indefinite shape and is compressible?

Gas has an indefinite shape and is easily compressible. It assumes the shape and volume of whatever contains it, and particles can move past one another with lots of free space in between. It's in between the liquid and plasma matter states.

State of matter that does not have a definite shape of definite volume?

A state of matter that does not have a definite shape or definite volume would be a Gas. Gases are easily compressible compared to liquids, and change to any shape they occupy.

When the air be liquid?

the air will be in liquid state when its pressure is increased and its temparature is decreased. eg: CNG is highly compressible gas.

What is fourth state of matter describe breifly?

This state of matter is plasma: a highly ionized gas.

Which state of matter is highly compressible?

Gases. Also, there are really four states; Solid, Liquid, Gas, Plasma.