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Species is a label that is attached to a group of reproductively linked, usually cohabitating organisms. New species emerge from existing species through a process called speciation, which is a result of evolution.

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A species is the sum of all animals that can produce fertile offspring when mating.

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Q: What is a species and how do they develop?
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What is one way New species can develope?

There is one way that new species can develop. The only way a new species can develop is from mating.

The process of change where new species develop from preexisting species over time?


Why do gestation periods change from species to species?

because it takes longer for a human to develop its advanced brain and organs than it takes for a bird to develop its stupid brain

What happens to allow a new species to develop?

the genes form together

What is the process called when genes form together to develop a new species?


How did the Mockingjay species develop and what was the significance of it in Catching Fire?

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How many generations does it take to develop a new plant species by polyploidy?


Where do tadpoles develop?

Most tadpoles develop first in eggs, and then in a body of freshwater, such as a pond, stream, or other small pool. There are a few species that develop in special pouches on the parents body.

Is it true that natural selection helps explain how new species develop?

Yes, it is true.

According to evolutionary theory how does species develop?

through reproductive isolation........ wba secure?

Synapomorphies of invertabrates?

Synapomorphies of invertebrates are animals species that do not possess or develop vertebral column. The species that are invertebrate are crab, lobster, snails, clam and octopuses.

How many days did it take the eggs to develop into catterpillar?

Depends on the species. However, did not not keep notes.