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An alloy (a metal) with Mercury is an amalgamate.

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Q: What is a word meaning a mixture of mercury with a metal?
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How do you spell mercery?

The likely word is mercury (a liquid metal element), or the planet Mercury.(A similar longer word is mercenary, meaning for the money, or a hired soldier.)

Why is Hg the symbol for mercury?

The old name for Merury is hydrargyrum from hydr- meaning water and argyros meaning silver. Mercury is a liquid silvery metal and was, in fact, known as quicksilver. Anyway, the chemical symbol comes from hydrargyrum.

Latin word for mercury?

Mercury is a latin word-it was the name for the roman god of messages, travel, thieves and luck (greek god Hermes). The planet Mercury was named after the god. If you are asking for the metal mercury, it would have come from the god's name, and it is unlikely that the romans had a specific word for that metal.

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Amalgam is the word for a mercury alloy. so sodium amalgam is a mixture of sodium and mercury.

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The anagram is mercury (a liquid metal) or capitalized Mercury, the planet named for the Roman god of commerce, messaging, and travel.

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Latin word for the element mercury?

The word mercury came from hydrargyrum, meaning watery or liquid silver. Its symbol, Hg, is deviated from Hydragyrum.

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