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Q: What is always loss during a transfer of energy?
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Explain the factors that account for the loss of energy in the transfer from mouse to cat?

The mouse use some energy is used in respiration(loss as heat) and the others used as growth( which will then pass on to the cat)

The addition or loss of thermal energy changes the arrangement of the particles during what?

a change of state

Why does the voltage need to be so high in a power station?

In long range,electric current can flow only when the wires are given high voltage.The voltage is about ---------------------------------------- Current of any voltage can flow in a wire. However, the larger the current is, the larger the resistance to flow and the greater the loss of energy during transmission. Therefore, to transfer the same amount of energy per second (power) without as much loss of energy due to resistance, current needs to be lowered by increasing the voltage since Power = Current * Voltage.

What energy transfers take place when you watch TV?

The main input energy is electrical energy from mains or power sockets; that energy is transferred to light energy for the pictures, and also there is sound energy (For audio), and all these energy are converted right back at heat energy as there is always a loss of energy in every device.

The temperature gained and lost by two objects equals each other?

The heat energy absorbed by the colder object is roughly equal to the energy imparted by the warmer object (there is always loss), but the temperature change is based on the masses of the objects. If, for example, one gram of water at 60°C is mixed with one gram at 20°C, the mixture, ignoring losses, will be at 40°, there having been a heat energy transfer of 20 gram-calories. OTOH, if one gram of water at 60°C is mixed with one kilogram at 20°C, there will be a 40 gram-calorie transfer that will, again ignoring losses, result in the mixture being at about 20.04°C.

Related questions

Do energy conversions occur without gain or loss of energy?

No, energy conversions always involve a transfer of energy from one form to another. Some energy will always be lost in the form of heat or other forms of energy during the conversion process, due to factors like inefficiencies in the system or resistance.

When one form of energy is converted to another there is always a loss of this?

When energy is converted from one form to another, there is always a loss of energy in the form of heat. This is due to inefficiencies in the process, such as friction or energy transfer losses. This loss of energy is known as the second law of thermodynamics.

What are some reasons why energy does not transfer to the next level?

Energy may not transfer to the next trophic level due to inefficiency in energy transfer, loss of energy through metabolic processes, or energy being lost as heat during each energy transfer. Additionally, some energy may be used for movement or other activities that do not result in biomass production.

What type of energy is always lost during energy transformations?

The type of energy that is always lost during energy transformations is usually heat energy. This is because some of the energy input is typically converted into heat due to inefficiencies in the system, leading to a loss in usable energy.

Can energy be transferred from one form to another with 100 efficiency?

No, it is not possible to achieve 100% efficiency in energy transfer due to factors such as friction, heat loss, and resistance in the transfer process. Some energy will always be lost or converted into other forms, limiting the overall efficiency of energy transfer.

Can some energy is lost during every transfer or conversion.?

Yes, in any energy transfer or conversion process, some energy is always lost in the form of heat due to inefficiencies in the system. This loss of energy is often referred to as energy dissipation or waste heat and is a natural result of the second law of thermodynamics.

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What is wasteful energy transfer?

Wasteful energy transfer refers to situations where energy is lost or dissipated during its transfer from one form to another. This can happen due to factors like friction, heat loss, or inefficient conversion processes. Such wastage of energy results in reduced overall efficiency and can contribute to energy loss in systems.

Why is a machine always less than 100 percent efficient?

Machines are never 100% efficient due to factors such as friction, heat loss, and mechanical limitations. Some amount of energy will always be lost during the transfer or transformation process, making it impossible for a machine to achieve perfect efficiency.

Why is there is a loss of energy during energy transfer?

Energy may be lost as it is transferred between different forms due to factors such as heat dissipation, friction, or inefficiencies in the conversion process. This loss is typically in the form of heat which is a less useful, more disordered form of energy. The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that in any energy transfer or transformation, some energy will be dispersed or lost in the form of heat.

What is always lost when energy changes form?

Some energy is always lost in the form of heat due to inefficiencies in the conversion process. This loss is known as thermal energy or heat loss.

Is energy always recycled?

No, energy is not always recycled. In most cases, energy is lost as heat during energy transformations and is not fully recovered for reuse. This loss of energy is known as entropy, which leads to a degradation of energy quality over time.