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Johannes Kepler's first law states that "The orbit of every planet is an ellipse with the Sun at one of the foci". An example of this is when a space satellite travels around the Earth in an elliptical orbit.

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As far as I know there is no simple proof suitable for this site. You need to know some mathematics including "calculus" and the algebra of "conic sections" .The ellipse is a conic section. Kepler's first law is about planet's having elliptical orbits, of course.

If you really want to get the mathematics you can. Put "Proof of Kepler's laws" into "Google" and try to choose something that suits you. (Don't be surprised if

you can't understand it. It all depends on your education in mathematics.)

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This is known as Keplers 2nd Law of Planetary Motion. It states that line drawn between a planet and the sun sweeps out equal areas during equal time intervals.

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Kepler's second law the law of equal areas.

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It is Kepler's first law which says the planet moves in an ellipse with the Sun occupying one focus and the other focus is vacant.

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Technically it doesn't precisely fit any of them, but to a first approximation it fits not only each of the planets, but every other orbiting body everywhere.

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Newton derived Keplars findings from Newton's Theory of Gravity. Thus, newton 'explained' the basis for Keplars findings and extended them.

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Newton's second law of motion.

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April 27, 4977 B.C. That was when he once calculated that the universe began. Or, you may mean when he published his Laws of Planetary Motion. He published his first 2 laws in 1609 and his 3rd law around 1619.

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