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Binomial nomenclature consists of two parts: the genus name and the species name. For example Homo sapians refers to humans. The genus name has the first letter capitalized and the species name is all lowercase. It should also be italicized.

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14y ago
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12y ago

1. The first word is called Genius and is usually in italics and capitolized

2. The second word is called Species and is usually in italics and not capitolized

3. It can only be writeen in Greek or Latin

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15y ago

Binomial nomenclature is the quotation of genus and species. The genus starts with a capital letter and the species with a lower case letter. It is also normal for this name to be in italics so the reader can find what they are looking for easier. If the same genus is used more than once on the page, it can be abbreviated after the first time until another genus is mentioned starting with the same letter. The author of the article which establishes the name is also usually included enclosed in backets, after the name, the first time the species is mentioned. EXAMPLE The species Eucalyptus rugosa (Blakely) was collected on Kangaroo Island by Robert Brown in 1802. E. rugosa has broad thick leaves.

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14y ago

Binomial names are the scientific names of organisms and are binomial in that they consist of two parts, a genus and a species. The genus is ALWAYS written with a capital and the species is ALWAYS written with a lower case letter. Since scientific names are scientific names/Latin names, they are written in italics when typed or underlined when printed with pen and paper.

An example is Daubentonia madagascariensis, the binomial/scientific/Latin name of the aye-aye. Daubentoniais the genus (ALWAYS capitalised) and madagascariensis is the species (NEVER capitalised, but written in lower case).

Other examples are;

Escherichia coli

Balaenoptera musculus

Pongo pygmaeus

Pyxicephalus adspersus

Morpho peleides

Anopheles gambiae

Homo erectus

Pinus pondorosa

Gorilla gorilla

Falco biarmicus

Tyto alba

Orcinus orca

Mus musculus

Alcedo atthis

Crocodylus niloticus

Tyrannosaurus rex

Triceratops horridus

Leucadendron argenteum

Quercus ruber

Sequoiadendron giganteum

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10y ago

It always written as genus and then species. It is usually in Latin and the genus is capitalized and the species is not. Both should be in italics. (that doesn't happen when done in this web site). If the name is used in a paragraph or a section, the use of the name again can be shortened to a capital first letter for the genus and with the species second. For example: Homo sapiensand H. sapiens. Homo meaning man and sapiensmeaning thinking. (The term homo- meaning the same in other uses). Felis catus is the house cat.

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8y ago

The binomial (meaning two names) uses the genus and species for organisms. Humans are listed as Homo sapiens. That means wise man. There are a number of species in our genus such as Homo habilis which means handy man. This is an extinct branch with cousins of ours.

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10y ago

Binomial nomenclature refers to the naming of organisms by giving it two names the scientific and the Latin name.

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To correctly write the binomial nomenclature for a particular animal?

A binomial nomenclature is the two name system of naming living things used in classification. The currently used binomial nomenclature was developed by Linneus.

Who developed the binomial system of nomenclature?

Carolus Linnaeus a Swedish botanist developed the binomial system of nomenclature.

The two-word system for naming organisms is called?

Binomial Nomenclature. In other words, using an organisms Genus and Species to classify them into categories.

What is the two part name given to organisms?

The two-part name given to organisms is called binomial nomenclature. It consists of the genus name followed by the species name, both written in italics or underlined.

What binomial system mean?

A binomial system is binomial nomenclature which is the formal system of naming specific species.

Giving organisms two names which describe them?

Binomial Taxonomy. The first name is written with a capital letter to indicate the genus, and the species name is written after. This system was first proposed by Linnaeus - a Finn, I think. He changed his name to the Latin version (Linnaeus) to demonstrate how keen he was on his system, which used only latin names for international use.

What is a two word naming system used to name various species?

Usually the genus and species names are used to identify different organisms.

What is a system for naming?

binomial nomenclature

What is a system name?

binomial nomenclature

The binomial system of nomenclature was developed by?

The binomial system if nomenclature was developed by Carolus Linnaeus. This is the naming method using the genus and species of an organism.

What is known as binomial system of writing scientific names?

Binomial nomenclature .

What naming system did Carolus Linnaeus develop?

Carolus Linnaeus developed the binomial nomenclature system, which uses a two-part Latin name to classify and organize living organisms. The first part denotes the genus of the organism, while the second part specifies the species within that genus. This system forms the basis of modern taxonomy.