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This mainly occurs in a multiple pulley system, but there is no particular name for it.

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Q: What is it called when a pulley moves up with the load as it is lifted?
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What does load mean in science?

Load is the object/weight that needs to be lifted b the help of the fulcrum and the effort. The load is also referred to as an output.

How does a pulley make work easier if it doesn't multiply force?

A single wheel pulley means that the rope you hold has one attachment to the load so the force is the same as the load, just in a different direction. So lifting something means you could actually apply the whole of your weight to the rope, rather than just the strength of your muscles. (Multiple pulley wheels mean that the same rope tension is applied to the load several times, so the force you apply to the rope is applied to the load several times.)

Which type of pulley takes the least amount of work?

It would be more accurate to ask whuch pulley takes the least amount of FORCE. WORK=FORCE X DISTANCE so ultimately the amount of work will be the same depending on how far the load moves. If you are wondering which pully will be the easiest to use than you need to know something about pulleys. Each time a rope passes through a pulley, the amount of FORCE needed to move a load decreases. The more passes the greater the MECHANICAL ADVANTAGE. But, there is a trade off. You may not need to pull as hard, (less force) but you will have to pull more rope (greater distance) to move the load. So the total amount of work remains equal.

What is the formula for TMA and AMA?

AMA=force produced/force applied TMA=distance effort moves/distance load moves

That water that moves across Earths surface after rainfall is called what?


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A load can be lifted easily by?

A load can be lifted easily by using a pulley system.

Is a movable pulley attached to the load it moves?


What pulley is attached to the load and moves as the load moves Hi I'm Gretchen?

Hi Gretchen, this arrangement to gain mechanical advantage is often referred to as a "block and tackle". It consists of pulleys and ropes, usually not more than four, where the pulley attached to the load moves with the load, and the mechanical advantage is determined by the number of ropes.

How many pulley needed to lift a load?

The number of pulleys needed to lift a load varies based on the size of the load. A very small load can be lifted with just one pulley while large loads may require many pulleys to adequately lift the load.

What are the three kinds of pulley?

1. The fixedpulley - requires more effort than the load. 2. The movable pulley - moves with the load which allows for less effort than load. 3. The combined pulley - effort is less than half the weight of the load

What is the object to be lifted by the lever called?

The object is known as the load.

What are the examples of combination pulleys?

an examle of a doulble pulley is an elevator or a crane in construction building.

What is the term for weight to be lifted or moved with a simple machine?

It is called LOAD.

How can you identify a fixed pulley?

It is set in one position and cannot move. apex :)

What are the uses of double pulley in physics?

The amount of force required to lift a weight is inversely proportional to the number of suspension lines. A multiple pulley system allows the load to be distributed across several lines and greatly reduces the amount of force required to lift the weight.. The load that takes mechanical power to lift with a single pulley can be lifted by a single person with a multiple pulley set-up

Where is the load arm on a pulley?

The load arm is the radius of the pulley. This is the distance from the fulcrum to the load-carrying side of the rope.

What is the ideal mechanical advantage of a fixed pulley raising a 1 kg can of paint a distance of 10 m?

The mechanical advantage doesn't depend on the distance the load moves, any more than it depends on the color of the paint in the can. If the pulley is hanging from the ceiling and you pull down, then the ideal MA is 1 . If the rope is fixed to the ceiling, the pulley rides on it, and the load is hanging from the pulley, then the ideal MA is 2 .