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what is metaphysical method of learning

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Q: What is metaphysical method of acquiring knowledge?
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The scientific method emphasizes which method of attaining knowledge?

= Scientific and unscientific method of acquiring knowledge? =

What is the scientific method and why do you study it?

Scientific method refers to a body of techniques for investigating phenomena acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge.

Root function of science?

"Science, in the broadest sense, refers to any system of knowledge which attempts to model objective reality. In a more restricted sense, science refers to a system of acquiring knowledge based on the scientific method, as well as to the organized body of knowledge gained through such research." The Greeks formalized Science as being a method of acquiring knowledge about the world using logic, experiment and measurement. The procedure of acquiring knowledge was refined over centuries and is today called the scientific method.

What are the step of science and method?

Systematically investigating phenomena acquiring, integrating and correcting knowledge using hypotheses.Using these processes:ObservingMeasuringExperimentingFormulatingTestingModifying

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Differentiate Scientific and unscientific method of acquiring knowledge?

The scientific method involves systematic observation, measurement, and experimentation to formulate and test hypotheses. It relies on evidence-based reasoning and peer review to validate findings. In contrast, the unscientific method lacks empirical evidence, reproducibility, and peer scrutiny, often relying on anecdotal information, personal biases, or superstitions to justify beliefs.

What are the straight scientific method?

Systematically investigating phenomena acquiring, integrating and correcting knowledge using hypotheses.Using these processes:ObservingMeasuringExperimentingFormulatingTestingModifyingon those hypotheses.

Scientific and unscientific method of acquiring knowledge?

That would be a positivist approach, using numerical, quantitative data - scientific The unscientific would be the opposite.

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What is the process of acquiring knowledge?

The process of acquiring knowledge typically involves observation, experience, learning from others, and critical thinking. It often begins with curiosity or a question, leading to research, analysis, and reflection. Continuous learning and the willingness to challenge existing beliefs are key components in acquiring knowledge.