

Best Answer

1) A princess story 2) food/ drink 3) human bedding/ clothes

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Q: What is something that doesnt involve science law and religions?
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What doesnt science involve?

A few things that science does not involve are: God(s), spirits, ghosts, belief, miracles, religious texts, creationism, art, literature, fairies, elves, magic, prayer, damnation, salvation , but actually if you think about it, scientists have been trying to find god for thousands of years , and also spirits and the anomalies know as miracles of such things exist. Forgive me for my ignorance.

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This is a physical change

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One name for this is a "religious chauvinist"

Something that doesn't involve math?

Everything can include maths. Subjects not directly concerned can be accommodated. As a subject matter language may be be cited but it is a trivial exercise to show maths is a part of it.