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There really aren't any "advantages or disadvantages" of it; it's not stable enough to actually make anything out of or use for anything other than scientific study (with the most stable isotope, in a half hour 0.003% of it would be all that's left, so even if you were a scientist and wanted to study it you'd have to make it yourself).

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Q: What is the Advantage And Disadvantage Of The Element Seaborgium?
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Seaborgium is considered a transition metal.

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Seaborgium is in the group 6 of the periodic table.

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Inverse ! The chemical element seaborgium is named in the honor of the chemist Glenn Seaborg.

What is the chemical symbol for the element seaborgium?

SEABORGIUM = 106 atomic number = Sg

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What element has the atomic symbol sg?

It is Seaborgium.