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Lots of Mitochondria to respire

A tail to swim

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Q: What is the adaptations of a sperm cell?
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Describe the exact location of the egg cell and sperm nucleus of a flowering plant?

The egg cell is located inside the ovary of the flower. The sperm nucleus is located inside the pollentube of the flower

How is the nucleus of the sperm cell different to the nucleus in the body cell?

a gamete nucleus has only half the number of chromosomes in it than a regular body cell. in humans a regular body cell has 46 chromosomes (23 pairs) in the nucleus, but a gamete ie sperm or egg cell has only 23 chromosomes, which are all unpaired. during fertilization the 23 chromosomes from a sperm and the 23 from the egg cell combine and pair up.

In a grain of pollen what is the function of the sperm that doesn't join with the egg cell?

In a grain of pollen,what is the function of the sperm cell that doesn't join with the egg cell?

What happens when a sperm cell and an egg cell unite?

The head of the spermatozoa buries itself in the egg and the tail drops off. At the exact same moment the surface of the egg changes to prevent any other sperm from entering it. The coating of the head of the sperm then opens and the DNA is released and the egg becomes like a new cell with a new set of DNA in addition to its own. The egg then begins to split and split again, and again and again until a human is created.

Is a zygote part of the female reproductive cell?

A zygote is formed from the egg cell contributed by the female parent and an sperm from male parent. The fertilized egg is called a zygote, therefore, zygote is definitely a part of female reproductive cell.