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A well sorted soil has particles which are all a similar size, a well graded soil would be classified as poorly graded. Whereas a poorly sorted soil has a wide range of particle sizes and is classified as well graded.

On a particle size distribution a well sorted soil gives a steep gradient.

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8y ago

Poorly sorted sediments comprise grains of widely varying size and composition. They are indicative of high energy environments and a sedimentation proximal to the source rocks.

Well sorted sediments comprise grains of similar size and composition. They are indicative of low energy environments and a sedimentation distal from the source rocks.

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Q: What is the difference between poorly sorted and well sorted sediments?
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What are three kinds of matter that have a rough texture?

three types of matter that have a rough texture would be a rock a piece of sandpaper a coral

What sorts sediment and is likely to make it well sorted?

Sediment is usually sorted by depositional processes, most common are via water and wind. Well sorted sediments usually come from areas where energies only permit certain sediments to be transported. For example, in high energy mountain streams, the velocity of the water will easily pick up sand and clay particles, leaving the larger grains (gravel, boulders) to be deposited in the stream bed. This gives you a well sorted deposit, with large grain size. If you want an example of well sorting with small grain sizes, take a look at a lakebed. Here, there is not enough force for large particles to be transported, only enough force for small clay and sand particles to be moved. These particles propagate through the water and will eventually settle at the bottom of the lake thanks to gravity and water pressure.

What does it mean when water has low turbidity?

turbulent flow- is when a fluid say in a stream becomes non-streamline, water currents stop being parallel and begin to move in random directions this makes it so sediments are eroded faster and stay suspended longer a turbidity current- is a kind of density current (it is denser than the surrounding water due to the suspended sediments) the moves down slope along the bottom of a body of water (ocean or lake) generally generated by short term catastrophic events (land slides, earthquakes, volcanoes,) a turbidite- is a sedimentary structure made by a turbidity current: there are two kinds high-density currents (lots of sediments greater than about 25% grains) which form think turbidite successions of sand and gravel (these are poorly graded and generally poorly sorted); and low-density flows tend to present the Bouma sequence in defined beds and laminations didn't sign in for the first time...

What is a synonym for categorized?

sorted compartmentalized pigeonholed

Is beach sand well sorted?


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Sediments with a mixture of sizes are known as?

poorly sorted sediments

How do poorly sorted and well sorted sediments differ?

the well sorted is on the left & the poorly sorted is on the right .. It all depends on the arrangement and size of the rocks

What is the brief summary of the section sorting in the Earth space science book?

sorting is the tendency for currents of air or water to separate sediments according to size. sediments that can be sorted is sorted very poorly or somewhat between good and bad sorting. all the grains are rough in the well sorted sediments from the same sized and shape. many different size and shape sediments are sorted in the very poorly sediments category. the sorting of a result of change in the in speed of that agent that is moving the sediments.

What is the difference between sediments in the outwash and sediments in the moraines?

Sediments that are in outwash are sorted sediments, organized by size, while sediments that are in moraine are unsorted.

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Why do some glacial deposition have sorted sediments while others do not?

Glacial sediments that are sorted are due to flowing water in the glacier. Unsorted sediments are those that have thawed out of the ice randomly.

What is it called when sediments are layered and sorted by size?

It is called graded bedding.

Which transport media generally results in the most well-sorted sediments?

The transport media that generally results in the most well-sorted sediments is wind. Other transport media include rivers, glaciers and landslides.

What are unsorted sediments?

\sediments that are in a body of water that are not sorted by their type of sediment. for example, if there were cobbles, pebbles, and silt, in a lake, that would be unsorted

When all the particles in a sediments are about the same size the sediment is said to be?

well sorted

How does sorting of rock particles affect porosity of rocks?

poorly sorted = low porosity well sorted = high porosity

Whats the difference in graded bedding and cross bedding?

Surfaces between layers of sediments (bedding planes) are usually deposited in horizontal sheets, but cross-bedding is inclined. Graded beds are horizontal and are usually sorted from coarse at the bottom to fine at the top.