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A cell that undergoes mitosis, such as a bacteria cell, splits to create an identical cell (daughter cell) that has identical DNA. So, when a cells split to multiply and grow, there DNA is the same, unless a mutation occurs.

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Parent and daughter cells are genetically the same.

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none. they are identical

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Q: What is the difference in DNA between parent call and daughter cells?
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What is the difference in DNA between parent cells and daughter cells in meiosis?

Parent cells are diploids, and daughter cells are haploids. Therefore, the daughter cells have half of the the number of chromosomes as the parent cells. (chromosomes are DNA)

Difference in DNA between parent cell and daughter cell in meiosis?

Homologous chromosomes assort independently, so each gamete has a unique combination of alleles

How do the daughter cells compare to parent cells?

Daughter cells are identical to the parent cell.

How are daughter and parent cells alike?

Daughter and parent cells are alike because the daughter cell comes from the parent cell.

What is the difference between cells created by meiosis and parent cells?

I don't think there is any difference. Cells created by meiosis are sex cells, i guess they're the same as parent cells

What are all the differences between meiosis and mitosis?

in mitosis a parent cell divides into two daughter cells in which the chromosomes are replicated and distributed equally into daughter cells. while in meiosis a parent cell divides into four unequall daughter cells.

Differences between parent and daughter cells in mitosis?

Nothing, they are identical in genes.

What is the difference between the number of chromosomes between a parent cell and its daughter cells?

the daughter cells have half the chromosomes the parent cell does. so when the sex cell combines with the other there isn't double chromosomes. :) the daughter cells have half the chromosomes the parent cell does. so when the sex cell combines with the other there isn't double chromosomes. :)

What is the copy of the parent cells DNA?

daughter cells bro! daughter cells...

How many parent and daughter cells are present for a cell that divides through meiosis?

2 parent cells and 3 daughter cells

In what way or ways are daughter cells and parent cells the same?

In mitosis (one parent cell), the daughter cells have the same genetic material as the parent (unless there is a mutation). In meiosis (two parent cells), the daughter cell/s will share some genetic material with either parent.

What is the difference between parent nucleus and daughter nucleus?

In mitosis,there is no difference.In meiosis,daughter nucleii are haploid also somewhat different due to independant assortment and crossing over.