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Q: What is the force that always acts opposite direction of movement and slows an object as it moves?
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In which direction does friction act?

Friction always acts in the opposite direction to that of the motion of the other object. Meaning, friction slows down the motion of an object by exerting opposing forces on it.

Friction acts in the opposite direction of?

Friction always acts in the opposite direction, of the other object's motion.

What direction does friction act in to an object's direction of motion?

Friction will always act in the direction opposite of the relativistic motion of two objects. If object A is moving to the right on object B, then object A will experience the friction to the left. However, object B will be moving to the left on object A and will therefore experience the friction acting towards the right.

Can equal forces in opposite direction change an objects motion?

If the force is acting in the opposite direction to the movement, the object will slow down and then accelerate in the direction of the force. Negative for

In what direction is the force of friction exerted?

Friction acts in the opposite direction of the object's motion

What happens to a moving object when there are unbalanced forces acting on it and the bigger force is in the opposite direction to the movement?

Since the opposite force is the strongest the object will tend to change direction of the object.Thats one of the effects of force.

What is the force that atcs in an opposite direction to the motion of a moving object?

Friction always acts in a direction opposing the motion of an object.

How does the direction of friction compare with the dierection of the velcocity of a sliding object?

The "force" of friction is always exactly opposite the direction of motion.

How does friction affect movement of object?

Friction provides a force, and therefore an acceleration, in the opposite direction of motion.

What is the Direction of Friction in Rotating Object in clockwise direction?

kinetic Frictional force always opposes the moving body... therefore its always is in the opposite direction

How does adding and removing of force affect a moving object and an object at rest?

For an object in motion, a force applied in the direction of the movement of the object would propel it further along that direction. The force should be equal or more than the momentum of the object. If a force in applied against the moving object in a direction opposite to the movement of the object, the velocity of the moving object is hampered. How much this decrease in velocity would occur would depend on the amount of the opposing force. If a sufficiently large force in an opposing direction is applied, it can even stop the object. If the force is not along or opposite the movement of the object, the force can change the direction of the object. If the force that was causing the movement of the object is removed, the object slows down, until it finally stops. For an object at rest, a sufficient amount of force can set the object in motion.

Does friction move in the same direction as or in opposite direction as the object?

The force of friction ALWAYS acts in the direction exactly opposite to the directionin which the object is moving.If the friction force acted in the same direction as the object's motion, then youwould want to have as much friction as possible, because that would help youmove the object with less fuel.