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Kelvin is an absolute temperature scale, therefore zero is the absolute coldest temperature that can be measured equivalent to minus 273.15 degrees centigrade. In reality, it is impossible to actually reach zero (0 deg K) because that would mean that every atom would cease to vibrate and generate heat. Most elements will "freeze" way before zero Kelvin, so there is no zone.

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12y ago

Water freezes at 273 K.

On the kelvin scale of freezing, 0 is considered absolute zero. This is the point where no more heat can be removed from a system, according to the absolute or thermodynamic temperature scale. This corresponds to 0 K or -273.15°C.

In classical kinetic theory, there should be no movement of individual molecules at absolute zero, but experimental evidences shows this isn't the case.

Temperature is used to describe how hot or cold an object it. The temperature of an object depends on how fast its atoms and molecules oscillate. At absolute zero, these oscillations are the slowest they can possibly be. Even at absolute zero, the motion doesn't completely stop.

It's not possible to reach absolute zero, though scientists have approached it. The NIST achieved a record cold temperature of 700 nK (billionths of a Kelvin) in 1994. MIT researchers set a new record of 0.45 nK in 2003.

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