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Hydrogen, as found in food.

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Q: What is the fuel for the human body?
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What fuel does the human body burn?

The preferred fuel source for the body is glucose.

Name the fuel that the human body burns?


Name the fuel the human body burns?

The preferred fuel source for the body is glucose.

What is the human body's first choice for fuel to facilitate life process?

Carbohydrates is the preferred fuel.

What is the main source of fuel for the human body?

Food and water

What must a human body do to get energy from food?

What must the human body need to get energy from food is to use oxygen to produce ATP which will fuel the cells.

Why is the human body considered as energy converter?

The human body converts food/fuel to matter and motion, thus converting energy from mass to mass and motion.

What element is the human body's first choice for fuel to facilitate life processes?


How many calories does it take to fuel the human body for one day?

To fuel the human body, a person should consume 2,000 calories a day on average. This might be a bit high or low for some people depending on their lifestyle.

Describe your body's requirements for vitamins and minerals?

The human body needs vitamins and minerals in order to function. These give necessary fuel to the body to allow all the systems to work.

Why is digestion an essential life function?

A human being is not maintained by his food intake, but rather, by what is digested. The human body needs fuel to live. We eat food for fuel. But just getting the food into the body is only a small part of the process. The food must be broken down into chemicals that the body can use. This whole process is called digestion

What 2 ways your body uses carbohydrates?

The human body uses carbohydrates as a way to fuel itself. It also uses carbohydrates as a way of structural support.