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a polysynaptic reflex

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Q: What is the greatest delay between stimulus and response?
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How do synapses affect the delay between stimulus and response?


Why is response time in a monosynaptic reflex much faster than response time in a polysynaptic reflex?

Transmission across a chemical synapse always involves a synaptic delay, but with only one synapse (a monosynaptic reflex), the delay between stimulus and response is minimized. In a polysynaptic reflex, the length of delay is proportional to the number of synapses involved.

Brief delay that occurs between application of the stimulus and the beginning of contraction?

Latent Period

What kind of response will I get back from a ping?

The response to a ping is a pong, and allows the computer to determine how long of a delay, known as latency, that is between itself and the destination.

What is delayed conditioning?

Delayed conditioning is a type of classical conditioning where there is a time gap between the presentation of a conditioned stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus. This delay allows for a stronger association to form between the two stimuli compared to simultaneous conditioning.

In a recording of a muscle twitch the delay between the time a stimulus is applied and the time the muscle responds is called?

Latent period

When does trace conditioning occur?

Trace conditioning occurs when there is a temporal gap between the conditioned stimulus (CS) and the unconditioned stimulus (US), meaning the CS ends before the US is presented. This type of conditioning relies on short-term memory and typically involves a brief delay between the end of the CS and the onset of the US.

What is the term for the delay in the RAM's response to a request from the MCC?


Do you have an abnormal EEG with multiple sclerosis?

Your EEG (electroencephalogram, or measure of brain activity) is not normally affected by MS. But your EEG can tell you about MS if used in conjunction with another diagnostic tool called a VEP (visual evoked potential) test. In a VEP test, you are seated in front of a computer screen while connected to an EEG. The screen displays different patterns (flashing dots or checkerboards), and the EEG measures the brain's response to the stimulus. More importantly, the brain records the delay between the stimulus and the brain's response. When someone with MS has Optic Neuritis, the signals from the eyes to the brain are delayed, and the VEP test will show this.

Who said the greatest remedy for anger is delay?

William wordsworth

Why is it that when you are trying to accelerate there is a delay in response in the speed and then when you slowly releasing the gas pedal that's the time you feel that the car is picking up power 1?

VW Service tells me delay in response is due to my heavy foot and unreasonable expectations of the 0-60 response.

I am sorry for the delay in replying to your mail?

It is always considerate to apologize for any delay on response to email someone may be waiting for from you. "I am sorry for the delay" is a polite way to open your email correspondence.