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plays an important role in protecting the earth and makes modern forms of communication and space exploration possible

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It is the hottest layer

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Q: What is the importance of the thermosphere?
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Which atmospheric layer is where space shuttles orbit?

The atmosphere is divided in to five layers. These are Troposhere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere and Exosphere. The space shuttles orbit in thermosphere.The atmosphere is divided in to five layers. These are Troposhere, Stratospere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere and Exosphere. The space shuttles orbit in thermosphere.

What are the 2 parts the thermosphere is divided to?

The Thermosphere is divided into two layersIF your doing "NovaNET" or some other thing the answer is mesosphere.

How does the solar radiation affect the thermosphere?

The sun radiates radiation in the UV, visible, and infra-red regions of the spectrum. When this reaches earth, some is reflected off the atmosphere/ clouds back into space. However, some passes through. UV radiation ionises molecules in the thermosphere, and this is the cause of the aurora. Infra-red radiation heats the molecules by giving them more vibrational energy (their bonds vibrate more), and this energy is transferred to other molecules via collisions (kinetic) or re-emitting the IR radiation. Therefore, during the day the thermosphere heats up, which causes it to expand slightly, which is why the height of the top of the thermosphere changes. This also affects the density of the air in the thermosphere.

Is there an acronym for the layers of the atmosphere?

Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere. One mnemonic is : "Tropical Sugary Mangoes Taste Excellent". (see related questions)

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