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Q: What is the name of science that deals with living things?
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this science is called ecology

What is the name of the science that studies the complex relationships between living things and their surroundings?


What is the name of science that deals with the study of animal cure?

Animals Science :)

What is the name of people that sudy living things?

Biology is the name of the science that studies living things. There is then specific names for specific studies, for example, herpetology for reptiles, zoology for animals and ornithology for birds.

What is the name of the science that deals with mental process?

I'm not exactly sure if this is right, but maybe it's psychology? Psychology is a social science that specifically deals with the way the mind works and mental processes.

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What is another name for living thing?

Another name for living things is 'biotic'.

What o you call the science of life?

The science of living things is called biology. If you really mean the science of life then I don't think there is an actual name for it, most scientist assume that life is brought about randomly though random chemical reactions but there are still many who would disagree with this.

What is the name of all living things?


Another name for living things is?
