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Because the density of the Methylated Sprite is grater than that of the wood.

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Q: What is the observation of wood sinking in methylated sprite?
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What actors and actresses appeared in The Wood Sprite - 2010?

The cast of The Wood Sprite - 2010 includes: Richard Grow as The Man Tyler Meyer as The Wood Sprite

A solid that floats on water but sinks in methylated spirits?

This solid must have a density less than that of water but higher than methylated spirits. It could be made of materials like wood or cork, which are less dense than water but more dense than methylated spirits. This difference in densities causes the solid to float in water but sink in methylated spirits.

What is a faerie of the wood or forest called?

It is usually called a sprite.

Can methylated spirits strip thin varnish?

its youse to do protact somethink eg wood suface or a hard shiny surface

How do I removed boiled linseed oil from my hard wood floors?

I normally use methylated spirits and "00" grade wire wool.

Why did the battle of hangar wood start?

The battle of Hangar Wood started because of the Germans sinking a british hospital ship.

Why does pine wood sinks in water?

Pine wood sinks in water because it is denser than water. The wood's cellular structure and composition cause it to have a higher overall density, resulting in it sinking when placed in water.

What is soluble in methylated spirits?

Denatured alcohol.Methylated spirits is a mixture of roughly 95% methanol and 5% ethanol.

What is a type of wood sinks in water?

Mahogany is a type of wood that is known to sink in water due to its high density and heavy nature. This makes it a popular choice for projects that require water resistance or where sinking properties are needed.

Where is the bee sprite in dizzywood?

Um ya , da bee sprite isn`t very hard ta find . first click on da mission in ur mission list and ah go 2 exploers camp and da bee sprite is near da tent at da back. there`s also a spider for da umm salmandar sprite if ur looking for it and another one in prestos edge . hope thad helps ..again, find me on dizzy wood , user 4900birds.

What elements form wood alcohol?

Alcohol is a compound of Hydrogen, Oxygen and Carbon. in the case of wood alcohol it has methylated spirits it is derived from wood or wood products such as cellulose. Wood Alcohol, of football song fame, is NOT intended for human consumption, and one glass could cause total blindness in some cases, talk of blind drunk It is no laughing matter, Ok for paints, not people,... as we too become Denatured. Leave it alone!

What is a long piece of wood that is used as a snow-shoe?

A long piece of wood used as a snowshoe is called a snowshoe frame. The frame typically has a latticed design to support the wearer's weight and prevent sinking into the snow. It is then commonly wrapped with a webbing material to create the snowshoe.