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The ratio depends on the solvent and solute. Each solvent-solute combination has its own eutectic point.

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Q: What is the optimum ratio of solute to solvent that will produce maximum cooling effect?
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When the maximum amount of solid (solute) is dissolved in a solvent, the resulting solution is said to be saturated.

What solution has the maximum number of grams of solute that can be dissolved?

The maximum number of grams of solute that can be dissolved in a given solvent is dependent on factors such as temperature, pressure, and the specific solute-solvent system. This maximum amount is known as the solubility limit of the solute in that particular solvent.

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1, if it completely solube in the solvent, it will travel with it, right to the solvent front.

When a solvent is holding the maximum amount of solute for that given temperature?

A saturated solution

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This is known as the solubility of the solute in the solvent. When you reach the maximum it is know as the saturation concentration. Adding any more solute will not dissolve in the solvent.

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Chilling is the reduction in temperature of the required solvent below than its wet bulb temperature while the rest is considered as cooling i.e. if we are only reducing the temperature of solvent to an extent such that the final temperature is above its wet bulb temperature than it will be considered as COOLING.

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The maximum amount of a solute that can dissolve in a solvent is called the solubility. At this level the solution is saturated.

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Because... if it's tightly sealed - during cooling the volume of the solvent will decrease - making the pressure inside lower than outside he flask. This could be enough for the glass to shatter - spilling the contents.

What determines the saturation point for a solution?

This is the maximum solubility of a substance in a solvent at a given temperature and pressure.