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i dont really remember, but i know that the chloroplast creates food from the suns energy

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Q: What is the part of a plant cell that processes food?
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Answer The part of green plants that makes food is called the chloroplasts. They produce food by photosynthesis.

What part of the plant cell makes food for the plant using the suns energy?

Chloroplast (:

What is and vacuoles?

A vacuole is part of a plant cell. It turns sun rays into food for the plant. An animal cell would not have one.

What part in the plant cell makes the food for the cell?

mitochondria make food and release energy, but vacuoles stores the food and energy

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A vacuole is found in both animal and plant cells

Which cell part converts food into energy that is usable by cell?

animal cell:mitochondria plant cell:chloroplast

What part of a cell makes food?

the chloroplast whehre photosynthesis takes place in a plant cell. Animal cells do not make food

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It is the Chloroplast in the plant cell that is green

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