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obviously they are buds and they are hanging out with each other, and multiply. Basically an asexual reproduction

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Q: What is the process by which corals are said to bud?
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Bud is the start of a beautiful flower. Buddy is something bud's mom said never let anyone call you that no matter what. Bud never tells anyone why its bud, because he's embarrassed. Bud he never lets anyone call him buddy because of his mom.

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This process is called bleaching, as it turns the corals white. I dont know why it is da, as I dont know what da means.

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Corals are plants.

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Corals are not decomposers. They are consumers.

Differences between hermatypic and ahermatypic corals?

Hermatypic corals contain zooxanthellae (a symbiotic algae), whereas ahermatypic corals do not. It is like saying that hermatypic corals are photosynthetic, where ahermatypic corals are non photosynthetic.

How is budding done?

budding is a process through which yeast reproduce. it is an asexual reproduction. the yeast sends out a bud or an out growth. a copy of the nucleus is sent to the bud . the bud grows and eventually separates.