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it makes a new land near water like the sea

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Q: What is the process by which sediment in water settles in new locations?
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Mixture of water and nondissolved materials?

A mixture of water and undissolved substances is a heterogeneous mixture because it is comprised of different substances. A heterogeneous mixture with undissolved substances that eventually settle is called a suspension. If the substances are too small to settle it's called a colloid.

When does wind-carried sediment fall to the ground?

Wind-carried sediment falls to the ground when wind slows down or some obstacle, such as a boulder or clump of grass, traps the windblown sand and other sediment. When it comes into contact with any obstacle.

What is a substance that is a solution a solvent a solute a suspension and a sediment?

a solute is a substance that dissolves into a solvent. example salt and sugar a solvent is a substance that dissolve a solute.example water-universal solvent a solution is a kind of mixture whereby the solute dissolve completely in the solvent.example salt in water. a suspension is a kin of mixture whereby the solute does not dissolve in the solvent thus settles down after been left for sometimes.example muddy water. sediments are the particles that settle down after sedimentation when the solvent is poured out. by alex eliphas

A rivers current carries sediments into the ocean. Which sediment size will most likely be deposited in deeper water farthest from the shore?

The largest sediment will end up in deeper water.This image should help

What causes ground water?

ground water is formed by the percolation action of the soil where the water seeps through the porous top soil until it settles upon the surface of the bed rock which is nonporous in many cases. this collection of the percolating water causes ground water

Related questions

Sediment settles out of moving water by the process of?

deposition. When water slows down or stops moving, sediment particles suspended in the water will settle out and be deposited on the bottom. This process forms sedimentary layers over time.

What is the word that describes the process by which sediment drops out of water?

Deposition is the process by which sediment settles out of water and is deposited on the bottom of a body of water.

What is the process of which sediment settles out of water of wind carrying it?

is called sedimmentation or deposition

What is term given to soil that settles in water?

The term for soil that settles in water is sediment. Sediment is the material that is carried and deposited by water, wind, or glaciers.

The process by wich sediment settles out of the water or wind that is carriying it and is laid down in a new location?

This process is called deposition

Process by which sediment settles out of the water or wind carrying it?

The process by which sediment settles out of the water or wind carrying it is called sedimentation. Sedimentation occurs when the velocity of the fluid (water or wind) decreases, allowing the sediment particles to fall out of suspension and accumulate on the surface below. This process is a natural part of erosion and deposition in the Earth's geologic cycle.

What is material that settles out of water or air?


What is the name of the process by which the material carried by a stream or river settles is dropped?

The process by which the material carried by a stream or river settles or is dropped is called deposition. This occurs when the velocity of the water decreases, causing it to lose the energy needed to carry sediment, which then settles to the riverbed.

When rivers slow down they drop sediment in a process called?

When rivers slow down, they deposit sediment in a process known as sedimentation or deposition. This happens when the velocity of the water decreases, causing it to lose its capacity to carry the sediment, which then settles on the riverbed or banks.

What is it called when erosion stops and transported sediment settles on a surface?

When erosion stops and transported sediment settles on a surface, it is called deposition. This process involves the laying down of sediment by natural agents like water, wind, or ice, leading to the formation of sedimentary rock layers over time.

What is the process by which sediment is removed from the source?

The process by which sediment is removed from the source is called erosion. Erosion can occur through natural processes such as wind, water, and ice, or through human activities like construction and mining. Once sediment is loosened from the source, it can be transported and deposited in new locations.

The dirt or topsoil carried by running water is called?

Sediment. Sediment carried by running water can include a variety of particles such as silt, clay, sand, and gravel. This process can lead to erosion and sediment deposition in different locations.