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Q: What is the process that allows for genetic diversity in populations is?
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Cloning may be a quick fix to increase the number of individuals. However, numbers are not everything. What is more important to small population sizes is genetic diversity, in other words the amount of genetic variation that exists within a population. Populations with significant reduction in genetic diversity will have a drastically increased likelihood of producing offspring with a recessive genetic disorder (the same reason why inbreeding in humans will likely result in some problem with the child). Besides this, genetic diversity allows populations to adapt in the event of a strong environmental change (e.g. climate change). In other words, if the environment changes, diversity makes it likely at least some of the individuals are adapted to survive.

How does genetic combination help a species to survive?

It causes diversity and variation amongst a population

What advantage does the process of crossing over bring to the reproductive process?

It produces offspring with genetic variation, different from the parent gametes. This is opposed to asexual reproduction where identical offspring are the product. This is the diversity that is created on the levels of genotype and phenotype.

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How does process of crossing over increase the diversity within a sexually reproducing species?

in crossing over the gens present on chromosomes forms linkage so the character are exchange & thus it lead to recombination of genes that affect genetic diversity

In a sexual reproduction does all of the genetic information have to come from one parent?

No, in sexual reproduction genetic information comes from both parents. Each parent contributes half of their genetic material through the gametes (sperm and egg), which combine to form an offspring with a unique combination of genetic traits. This allows for genetic diversity and variation in offspring.

What event increases genetic diversity during meiosis?

During meiosis 1, a process called crossing over occurs, wherein segments of genes are exchanged between homologous chromosomes. Homologous chromosomes line up or 'cross over' one another to form structures called chaismata. This structural orientation allows the exchange of genetic segments between chromosomes. The crossing over event is the cornerstone of genetic diversity.

Is influenza single strand or double strand RNA?

It is single stranded RNA. Importantly, it is also a segmented genome that allows it to have large genetic diversity.

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What are the results and implications of meiosis?

Meiosis is the process of dividing a diploid cell into haploid cells. The main results of meiosis are four haploid cells. Genetically, these cells differ from the diploid cell and from each other.

In what way is crossing over important for sexual reproduction?

It allows for a huge amount of genetic diversity. If crossing over wasn't part of reproduction (and it wasn't always), then the offspring would be identical to the parent, except for the possibility of mutation. If there is more genetic diversity, the chances of one of the off spring having an advantageous trait goes up.

Why genetic variation is a benefit to a population?

Genetic variation allows a population to adapt to a changing environment.