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to find out if all element has the same mass or can pass through the tin foil in other words not all passed through

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Q: What is the purpose of Earnest Rutherfords gold-foil experiment?
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What does earnest mean?

It means: -adjective 1. serious in intention, purpose, or effort; sincerely zealous: an earnest worker. 2. showing depth and sincerity of feeling: earnest words; an earnest entreaty.3. seriously important; demanding or receiving serious attention.-noun 4. full seriousness, as of intention or purpose: to speak in earnest. The official definition of the word earnest is "resulting from or showing sincere and intense conviction."

The factor in an experiment that is changed on purpose?

the factor an experiment that is changed on purpose

What is purpose of doing an experiment?

the purpose of doing an experiment is to discover new things

What states the purpose of a experiment?


What would a scientist do before designing a experiment?

Be clear about the purpose of the experiment.

What is the purpose in a science project?

A purpose is why u are doing an experiment

What does ernestly mean?

1. serious in intention, purpose, or effort; sincerely zealous: an earnest worker. 2. showing depth and sincerity of feeling: earnest words; an earnest entreaty. 3. seriously important; demanding or receiving serious attention. -noun 4. full seriousness, as of intention or purpose: to speak in earnest. ---- Origin:bef. 1000; ME erneste, OE eornoste (adj.); ME ernest, OE eornost (n.); c. D, G ernest

Is purpose and hypothesis?

The purpose is why you are doing the experiment. What do you want to fond out?? The hypothesis is your prediction on the outcome of the experiment. It is usually written in an If...Then...Because form

What is purpose and hypothesis?

Purpose refers to the goal or reason for conducting a study or experiment, outlining what the researcher aims to achieve. Hypothesis is a testable statement that predicts the outcome of a study based on existing knowledge or theory. It serves as a proposed explanation for a phenomenon that can be tested through further research.

What is the purpose of the dry ice bubble experiment?

the purpose is how is is getting bigger

What is the purpose of a experiment?

tell why you are doing this project