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Safety goggles are worn by many crafts and trades, in order to protect the eyes. In the case of scientists, splashes from acids or alkalies would be a pretty obvious hazard.

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Q: What is the purpose of goggles that scientists use?
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Why do scientists use safety goggles?

To protect their eyes from chemicals or dangerous objects.

Does it matter if you use ski goggles for snwboarding?

No, they serve the same purpose: TO KEEP SNOW OUT OF YOUR EYES!

Why do scientist wear safety goggles?

Scientists, and others, wear safety goggles when they are working with corrosive, irritating, or toxic chemicals. If the chemicals got in their eyes eye damage could result. The goggles are to prevent that. Some scientists do not work with chemcials that do that, and those people do not wear safety goggles.

What do the forensic scientists wear?

forensic scientists wear goggles so nothing becomes contaminated.

What is the purpose of goggles in the lab?

Eye Protection

What is the definition of a scienctific goggles?

Scientific goggles would be goggles scientists wear while using chemicals or doing something in the lab that they may want to protect their eyes from.

What do astronomers wear to work?

Usually scientists use a: lab coat (White) Safety Goggles/Glasses and sometimes a pair of sterile gloves.

How do you use safety goggles incorrectly?

never use safety goggles underwater.

What is the purpose of mirrored goggles?

mirrored goggles keep too much light from shining into your eyes it also makes the room darker

What is purpose of safety glass?

The purpose of safety goggles is that if you where in a science lesson and you where doing a practicle with acid and you where not wearing safety goggles and acid went in your eyes it would burn your eyes and that wouldn't be very nice so people wear the goggles to prevent accidents from happening :)

Can you use swimming goggles for science as safety goggles?

yes you can you can use most goggles as long as they protect your eyes. But they must have shatter proof lenses.

What do scientists wear in a lab?

if they're doing an experiment, goggles and maybe a lab coat.