

Best Answer

Adult= 6-20

Child= 5-18

Elderly Adult (60+) = 8-23

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Q: What is the range of normal value of BUN in human beings?
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What is the Normal value sputum squamous epithelial cells?

According to my doctor. 0 to 2 is a normal range.

What is the normal pH level in urine?

The pH value for normal human urine is about 6.6, acidic.

What does humanism focus on?

Humanists stress the potential value and goodness of human beings, emphasize common human needs, and seek solely rational ways of solving human problems.

Are human tears acidic or basic?

No, they are salty. That's why they sting a bit when they contact a break in the skin.

What is the normal ASO titer value in Iu ml?

A single titre value of above 200 iu ml is considered raised

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The normal eye vision can detect a stimuli of over 120 degrees range vertically. It can also detect 160 degrees range horizontally.

Why we don't like genocides?

Since we are all human beings, we naturally tend to believe that human life has value. We value our own lives and it would be hypocritical to value our own lives but to place no value on the lives of other people. So, if human life has value, then the indiscriminate murder of large numbers of innocent people must necessarily be a bad thing.

Lipase test low results 10.0 ul the normal value is 21.0 - 67.0?

A result of 10.0 U/L is actually normal since the normal range is between 10 and 140 U/L. The normal value of 21.0 to 67.0 is incorrect.

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humanity is an precious value which is necessary to be situated in all d human beings.

What were the evils of slavery?

Perhaps the most basic evil of slavery, and the basis upon which it began, is the placing of monetary value on the lives of human beings as property.

How does hematocrit compare with the normal value?

Normal values vary with age and sex. Adult male range is 42-52%, adult female 36-48%.

What types of commodities have been valued through time?

Human beings have valued a variety of commodities, dependant on the value attached to these commodities or its perceived value in relation to human needs. Spices, gold, metals, and even flowers and plants, have been used to trade one human need for another, or to trade with.