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The age of the Earth was the idea changed by the work of James Hutton and Charles Lyell.

Charles Lyell incorporated Hutton's thinking into his principle uniformitarianism, which stated that mechanisms of change are constant over time.

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Charles Lyell's book, Principles of Geology, had a profound impact on Darwin. It inspired him to consider the idea of evolution being a slow process, where tiny changes occur over vast spans of time.

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7y ago

Darwin's reading of Lyell's Principles of Geology got him to think of evolution as a slow process in which small changes gradually accumulate over very large spans of time. They became friends and Lyell helped him when Wallace almost published his theory of evolution before Darwin did. Lyell and Darwin published a paper side Wallace's that showed that Darwin's ideas were expressed (in his letters) before Wallace's publication.

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11y ago

The geological forces in Earth's history show predictable uniformity.

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