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Inertia is the resistance of a object to change in its motion

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Q: What is the resistance of an object to changes in its motion?
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What is the resistance of an object to changes its motion?

Inertia is the resistance of a object to change in its motion

The resistance of an object to changes in its motion?

The resistance of an object to changes in its motion is known as inertia. Changes in an objects motion include changes in its speed and direction.

What is ineria?

Inertia is the resistance of an object to changes in its motion

What is frictional resistance due to motion through air?

This frictional resistance known as "air resistance" is the drag force. The drag force changes with the drag coefficient of the object in motion.

What is the inertia of motion?

Inertia of motion is the resistance mass has to motion. It also is the resistance in change in momentum. Momentum includes two things: velocity and direction. When an object changes its velocity, the momentum of the object resists the change. Also, when an object does change its velocity, its momentum is directly changed. In general, the inertia of motion is matter's unwillingness to change velocity or momentum.

Resistance to the motion of an object?


What resistance to the motion of an object?


What is inertia mean?

is the resistance of any physical object to any change in its state of motion, including changes to its speed and direction.

How does an object and motion change in time?

An object's motion can change in time due to various factors such as forces acting on it, acceleration, and the presence of external influences like friction or air resistance. These changes can result in the object accelerating, decelerating, changing direction, or coming to a complete stop. The specific changes in object and motion depend on the particular circumstances and forces involved.

What is The resistance of a body to changes is motion?


When you measure an object's resistance to motion you must measure what?

Inertia is an objects resistance to change in motion. Frictional forces resist motion.

What is resistance to the motion of an object?

Resistance to the motion of an object is friction. Several different kinds of friction exist, including dry, fluid, lubricated, skin, and internal.