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Q: What is the sagittal section through the midline of the body called?
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Is parasagittal section is a section that is perpendicular to a sagittal section?

The sagittal plane is a vertical plane through the longitudinal axis dividing the body into left and right portions. If the animal is bisected straight down the midline, the section is called a "midsagittal" section. If the animal is sectioned away from and lateral to the midline, the section is referred to as "parasagittal".

A sagittal plane made slightly to one side or the other of the midline is called?


Which body plane divides the body into left and right sections?

Sagittal Plane

A section that divides the body on the longitudinal plane into equal right and left parts is called?

Solar plexus

What plane divides the body in right and left halves?

That would be called a transverse section.

What is a vertical section through the body dividing it into left and right halves called?

This is called a sagittal plane if divided this way with symmetrical left and right halves. If the section produces asymmetrical halves, this is a parasagittal section.

What is a vertical section through the body dividing it into anterior and posterior regions called?

Transverse or horizontal plane: It is parallel to the ground and this imaginary plane divide body or its part in to superior (upper) or inferior (lower) parts

The plane that divides the body into unequal left and right protions is the?

Sagittal. Midsaggittal plane divides the body into equal halves

What neural structure can be seen in a mid sagittal view of the human brain?

That structure is called as falx cerebri. You have superior sagittal sinus above and inferior sagittal sinus running below the same.

A cut that is made along the midline is called?

midsagittal plan

What is it called when a limb at the shoulder or hip turns in toward the midline?

Medial rotation is what this is called.