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Glycogenesis. This is an anabolic pathway

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Q: What is the scientific term for creation of glycogen?
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What polysaccharide is the form of short term energy storage for animals?


Is glycogen storage long term or short term?

short term

Does glycogen meet short term or long term needs of energy?

Glycogen meets the long-term needs of energy. This is due to the fact that readily available glucose gets stored in the liver as glycogen. When blood glucose levels fall this glycogen is then converted back into glucose for energy requirements.

What is the another term for an animal starch?

Glycogen is the proper name for animal starch. It is stored int the livers and muscles of animals. It can also be found in certain kinds of fungi and bacteria.

The liver store glucose in what form?

Glycogen is stored in the liver and muscles, and is second to fats as long-term energy storage.

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What is the scientific term for writing the mRNA message in a cell?

The creation of mRNA is called transcription. mRNA is being transcribed from the DNA template.

What polysaccharides do animals make?

Animals convert glucose to glycogen for longer term storage. In humans, glycogen is stored in the liver. Glycogen will be used before fat reserves are tapped.

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Does glycogen provide long term energy storage?

yes it does

Do trained athletes store more glycogen?

Yes, they do. The more they exercise, the more glycogen they produce which is stored as short-term energy.