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its all based on ressesive vs. dominate traitts and backround and luck.

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Q: What is the selection by humans for breeding of useful traits from the natural variation among different organisms?
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What are three reasons for natural selection to occur?

1. different breeding 2. evolution 3.adaptation

What is artificial selection?

when humans breed an animal for a certain trait.

How is Natural Selection different from Artificial Selection?

Natural selection is when the traits that make an organism survive and reproduce better in their environment become more common. An example of natural selection would be light moths changing to dark-coloredmoths to adapt to their environment. Like the tree barks they live on turning black, they too would turn dark-coloredfor better survival and an advantage to hide from predators.Artificial selection is intentional breeding for certain traits. An example would be a florist breeding two pretty plants to get a pretty plant..yeah,bad example but you get the idea lol.

How do allele frequencies change over time?

If this happens then Natural Selection occurs because Natural Selection is the increase or decrease in allele frequencies due to the impact of the environment.The above answer is partially true. An allele's frequency may also change due to genetic drift.

What is needed for natural selection to occur?

Environmental pressure. Amongst a certain population of a certain species, there will be many different mutations which developed and were passed on evenly due to neither being beneficial nor detrimental. Any change to their habitat can be considered an environmental pressure. A drop in temperature, invasion of a competing species, etc. Natural selection will occur, as those with now-beneficial mutations are more likely to pass their genes on.

Related questions

How can organisms be produced with desired trait?

Through selective breeding or by natural selection.

What is happening when humans control the breeding of living things to favor certain desired features?

Yes, breeding organisms for desired characteristics is called artificial selection. It can also be called selective breeding.

What do you call the process of choosing parent organisms for the characteristics that you want in their offspring?

the process of selecting a few organisms with the desired traits to serve as parents of the next generation is called what?

What are humans select organisms for breeding based on traits?

Humans use selective breeding to pass desired traits to the next generation of plants or animals.

What exploits selective breeding in genes to influence which traits will be presented in the offspringof organisms chosento breed with one another?

Natural Variation

What is natural selection that acts against one type of extreme form of a polyygenic trait to reduce genetic variation and change the average value of a trait within a population called?

directional selection

How do you describe Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection?

The natural production of variation within an animal species and the survival (and by implication breeding) of the fittest variants.

How gentic traits inheritance differ in natural selection vs selective breeding?

Natural Selection is different from Selective Breeding beacuse the environment controls the traits the animal or plant gets. Selective Breeding is the traits desired are the ones bred

How is selection breeding different than natural selection?

Selective breeding is the process whereby one controls the breeding patterns of biological entities to yield specific traits. This can also mean forcing breeding to boost recessive traits in a population.Natural selection, on the other hand, results only in populations that express traits that allow for survival and further reproduction within a given environment (selection pressure).

Why is there so much diversity among organism?

the diversity of organisms on earth results from both external and internal factors.

Is dog breeding an example of natural selection?

False, dog breeding would be an example of Artificial Selection.

Is Dog breeding is an example of natural selection?

False, dog breeding would be an example of Artificial Selection.