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There is no stage between metaphase and anaphase. Mitosis has four stages, first its prophase then metaphase then anaphase then telophase.

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That is the pro phase.It is longest phase in mitosis.

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Q: What is the stage between metaphase and anaphase in mitosis?
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Which stages are associated with Interphase?

Interphase is the portion of a cells mitosis. It is when the cell is resting, and building up the important supplies for the next split. It is often the longest stage, and is followed in order by: Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, & Cytokinasis

Why is metaphase the longest stage in mitosis?

Metaphase is the stage of mitosis in which the all of the cell's chromosomes align along the equator of the cell. It is the final stage before the cell splits into two daughter cells.

What happens during metaphase in the cell division?

Metaphase is the phase of cell division where chromosomes line up on the equator of the cell just prior to splitting to the poles at anaphase. During mitosis identical chromosomes pair up on the equator, wheras during meiosis the homologous pairs line up together during meiosis 1 and then homologous chromatids line up together in meiosis 2.

What specific stage in meiosis do homologous chromosomes separate?

Anaphase lAnaphase I

When do chromosomes become visible during mitosis?

They are visible during mitosis. During Prophase the DNA is compacted into Chromosomes while the intermediate filaments that make up the Nuclear Envelope are phosphorylated and it falls apart. Leaving behind the chromosomes, very easy to see throughout prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase (Until the nucleus reforms in both daughter cells and the chromosomes de-condense). Chromosomes are easy to see by definition, their name in greek literally means colored bodies, this mostly because the guy that saw them first had no idea what they were.

Related questions

What stage of mitosis is prone to genetic aberration?

Metaphase to Anaphase.

Is the shortest stage of mitosis a metaphase?

No, the shortest stage of mitosis is anaphase. During anaphase, sister chromatids are pulled apart towards opposite ends of the cell by the spindle fibers. Metaphase is the stage where the chromosomes align at the equator of the cell.

What phase occurs right after metaphase?

i think that it is telaphone hahahahah says devante miller

What is the real 4 stage of mitosis?

interphase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase/cytokinesis

Which of the phases of mitosis has the shortest duration?

The shortest phase of mitosis is typically metaphase, where the chromosomes align at the cell equator. This phase is relatively brief compared to prophase, anaphase, and telophase.

Which stage of mitosis is the last phase that chromatids are together?

metaphase. C:

What is the the mitosis stage when the chromatids are visible?

The stage of mitosis when the chromatids are visible is the metaphase stage. During metaphase, the duplicated chromosomes line up along the center of the cell, with their chromatids attached to the spindle fibers.

What is the stage of mitosis in which chromosomes line up in the center of the cell?

The stage of mitosis where chromosomes line up in the center of the cell is called metaphase. During metaphase, the chromosomes align along the metaphase plate, which is an imaginary plane equidistant between the two poles of the cell. This alignment ensures that each daughter cell will receive the correct number of chromosomes during cell division.

What stage of mitosis is when sister chromatids separate into individual chromosomes?

Anaphase is the stage of mitosis when sister chromatids separate into individual chromosomes. During this stage, the sister chromatids are pulled apart towards opposite poles of the cell by the spindle fibers.

In which phase does the nuclear envelope disappear?

The nuclear envelope disappears during the prophase stage of mitosis. This allows the chromosomes to be free within the cell and facilitates their separation and movement during cell division.

What stage when spindle fibers attach to chromosomes?

The stage when spindle fibers attach to chromosomes is during metaphase of mitosis or meiosis. Spindle fibers, which are made of microtubules, attach to the centromere region of chromosomes to help separate them correctly during cell division.

Time spent in each stage of mitosis?

Mitosis consists of four stages: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. The time spent in each stage can vary depending on the cell type and conditions, but typically prophase is the longest stage, followed by metaphase, anaphase, and finally telophase.